Go-to-Market User Training

Go-to-Market User Training

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Choosing the right training materials and formats is crucial to ensure that all users are comfortable and proficient with the new tools. To effectively scale your Developer Education(DevEd) team. you should offer several tiers of service, with the premium service only being offered to a select few high-impact projects.

DevEd Levels of Services

Full ServiceX


The DevEd team provides tools designed for you to build end-user training following best practices. Although they won't be providing direct feedback, these resources will guide you in creating effective training and fostering a greater user adoption of your tools and services.

Level of Effort

I have created an example to help you plan your time accordingly, ensuring you understand the time investment required to create training.

60-minute Classroom Training

If you decide to offer the same one-hour live training session, five times.

TaskYour Time
Create an Outline5 hrs
Create Slides & Speaker Notes20 hrs
Schedule and Promote Training1 hr
Dry Training Run-through2 hrs
Offer Five Live 60-min Training Sessions5 hr
Archive Training Recording (Video Transcription, Thumbnail, Chapters, Intro Animation)2 hrs
Upload to Gdrive, Wistia (Analytics), or other service1 hr
Embed in Manuals, Edu&Engage, and/or Docebo1 hr
Total37 hrs

60-minute Video Training

If you decide to offer the same one-hour recorded training session.

TaskYour Time
Create an Outline5 hrs
Create Slides & Speaker Notes20 hrs
Record Video8 hrs
Video Transcription, Thumbnail, Chapters, Intro Animation2 hrs
Upload to Gdrive, Wistia (Analytics), or other service1 hr
Embed in Docs, Edu&Engage, and/or Docebo1 hr
Total37 hrs

Interactive Lab

If you decide to offer a step-by-step lab and tutorial for users to experience your product hands-on.

TaskYour Time
Create an Outline5 hrs
Create manuals site & markdown pages with code snippets5 hrs
OPTIONAL - Add animated tutorials (gif images)5 hrs
Test steps to ensure everything works1 hr
Total25 hrs

TRAINING PLUS: Consultation

Your DevEd team will provide a list of recommendations on training opportunities that can help onboard new users to your tool or service. While we do not directly create these trainings, we are committed to identifying and presenting a range of available resources.

Level of Effort

60-minute Classroom Training

If you decide to offer the same one-hour live training session, five times.

TaskYour TimeDevEd Time
Meeting: Initial Consultation30 mins30 mins
Create an Outline5 hrs-
Meeting: Finalize Outline1 hr1 hr
Create Slides & Speaker Notes20 hrs-
Async Meeting: Review Slides & Speaker Notes1 hr1 hr
Schedule and Promote Training1 hr-
Dry Training Run-through2 hrs2 hrs
Offer Five Live 60-min Training Sessions5 hr-
Archive Training Recording (Video Transcription, Thumbnail, Chapters, Intro Animation)2 hrs-
Upload to Gdrive, Wistia (Analytics), NetflixMediaHub1 hr-
Embed in Manuals, Edu&Engage, and/or Docebo1 hr-
Total40.5 hrs4.5 hrs

60-minute Video Training¶

If you decide to offer the same one-hour recorded training session.

TaskYour TimeDevEd Time
Meeting: Initial Consultation30 mins30 mins
Create an Outline5 hrs-
Meeting: Finalize Outline1 hr1 hr
Create Slides & Speaker Notes20 hrs-
Async Meeting: Review Slides & Speaker Notes1 hr1 hr
Record Video8 hrs-
Async: Review Recorded Video1 hr1 hr
Video Transcription, Thumbnail, Chapters, Intro Animation2 hrs-
Upload to Gdrive, Wistia (Analytics), NetflixMediaHub1 hr-
Embed in Docs, Edu&Engage, and/or Docebo1 hr-
Total40.5 hrs3.5 hrs

Interactive Lab

If you decide to offer a step-by-step lab and tutorial for users to experience your product hands-on.

TaskYour TimeDevEd Time
Meeting: Initial Consultation30 mins30 mins
Create an Outline (async collaboration)5 hrs-
Meeting: Finalize Outline1 hr1 hr
Create manuals site & markdown pages with the initial structure2 hrs-
Fill out the step-by-step instructions (code snippets or screenshots)3 hrs-
OPTIONAL - Add animated tutorials (gif images)5 hrs-
Test steps to ensure everything works1 hr-
Debug issues together (async collaboration)1 hr-
OPTIONAL - Create a video tutorial of the full lab with chapters for each step8 hrs-
Embed into training workflow1 hr1 hr
Total28.5 hrs2.5 hrs


Level of Effort

60-minute Classroom Training

If you decide to offer the same one-hour live training session, five times.

TaskYour TimeDevEd Time
Meeting: Initial Consultation30 mins30 mins
Engineering Knowledge Transfer*3 hrs3 hrs
Create an Outline (async collaboration)5 hrs5 hrs
Meeting: Finalize Outline1 hr1 hr
Create Slides & Speaker Notes-20 hrs
Async Meeting: Review Slides & Speaker Notes1 hr1 hr
Schedule and Promote Training-2 hrs
Dry Training Run-through2 hrs2 hrs
Record Training (Video Transcription, Thumbnail, Chapters, Intro Animation)-2 hrs
Upload to Gdrive, Wistia (Analytics), NetflixMediaHub-1 hr
Embed in Manuals, Edu&Engage and/or Docebo-1 hr
Total12.5 hrs38.5 hrs

60-minute Video Training

If you decide to offer the same one-hour recorded training session.

TaskYour TimeDevEd Time
Meeting: Initial Consultation30 mins30 mins
Engineering Knowledge Transfer*3 hrs3 hrs
Create an Outline (async collaboration)5 hrs5 hrs
Meeting: Finalize Outline1 hr1 hr
Create Slides & Speaker Notes-20 hrs
Async Meeting: Review Slides & Speaker Notes1 hr1 hr
Record Video-8 hrs
Async: Review Recorded Video1 hr1 hr
Video Transcription, Thumbnail, Chapters, Intro Animation-2 hrs
Upload to Gdrive, Wistia (Analytics), NetflixMediaHub-1 hr
Embed in Docs, Edu&Engage and/or Docebo-1 hr
Total12 hrs43.5 hrs

Interactive Lab

If you decide to offer a step-by-step lab and tutorial for users to experience your product hands-on.

TaskYour TimeDevEd Time
Meeting: Initial Consultation30 mins30 mins
Engineering Knowledge Transfer3 hrs3 hrs
Create an Outline (async collaboration)5 hrs5 hrs
Meeting: Finalize Outline1 hr1 hr
Create manuals site & markdown pages with initial structure-2 hrs
Fill out the step-by-step instructions (code snippets or screenshots)3 hrs-
OPTIONAL - Add animated tutorials (gif images)-5 hrs
Test steps to ensure everything works-1 hr
Debug issues together (async collaboration)1 hr1 hr
OPTIONAL - Create video tutorial of the full lab with chapters for each step-8 hrs
Embed into training workflow1 hr1 hr
Total14.5 hrs27.5 hrs

Note: DevEd should be able to conduct the knowledge transfer for the video and the documentation simultaneously, depending on scheduling.

Best Practices

  1. Interactive Workshops: Hands-on sessions where users can practice with the tools in real time.
  2. Video Tutorials: Step-by-step guides that users can follow at their own pace.
  3. FAQs and Cheat Sheets: Quick reference materials that provide answers to common questions and challenges.
  4. Webinars: Scheduled live sessions that can also be recorded for later viewing to reach a wider audience.

Responsibilities in Training Delivery

Context: Identifying who is responsible for delivering training ensures that the training is consistent and effective.

Best Practices

  1. DevEd Teams: Specialized developer education teams should take the lead in creating and delivering detailed training modules.
  2. Product Champions: Identify and train key team members who can then assist their peers and act as product champions.
  3. External Consultants: For highly specialized tools, bringing in external experts for initial training sessions might be beneficial.

Structuring Ongoing Support

Context: Ongoing support is vital for dealing with post-training queries and issues as users start to interact more deeply with the tools.

Best Practices

  1. Dedicated Support Team: A dedicated team should be available to handle technical support and user inquiries.
  2. Community Forums: Online forums where users can ask questions and share insights with peers.
  3. Regular Check-Ins: Scheduled sessions to discuss issues and gather feedback can help users feel supported.

Feedback Mechanisms on Training

Context: Effective feedback mechanisms are essential to understand the efficacy of the training programs and make necessary adjustments.

Best Practices

  1. Surveys: Post-training surveys to gather detailed feedback about the user's experience and the clarity of the training provided.
  2. Suggestion Box: An online form or email where trainees can submit suggestions at any time.
  3. Analytics: Use training platform analytics to see which sections of the training are most and least engaged with.

Updating Training Materials

Context: Training materials must be dynamic and evolve based on user input and changes in the tools themselves.

Best Practices

  1. Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews of training content to ensure it remains accurate and relevant.
  2. User Feedback: Incorporate changes based on the trends observed in feedback and common questions or issues raised by users.
  3. Version Control: Keep track of updates and versions of training materials, so users are always accessing the most current information.

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