Go-to-Market Checklist

The GTM checklist guides the launch of internal tools, ensuring comprehensive planning, smooth integration, stakeholder engagement, and continuous improvement through targeted questions and steps.
Go-to-Market Checklist

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The GTM checklist guides the launch of internal tools, ensuring comprehensive planning, smooth integration, stakeholder engagement, and continuous improvement through targeted questions and steps.

Product or Feature Overview

Begin with a detailed summary of your product or feature, highlighting its unique functionalities, the specific needs it addresses, and its advantages. Define the target audience and explain the product’s integration with existing portfolio.

  • What unique functionalities does the product offer?
  • Who is the target audience within the organization?
  • How does this tool integrate with and enhance our existing tools and systems?
  • What strategic importance does the product hold?
  • What resources are required for successful adoption?

Developer Documentation

Provide clear, comprehensive documentation and resources to facilitate quick learning and effective utilization of the tools.

  • What formats of documentation are provided (guides, API docs, video tutorials)?
  • How can the onboarding process be optimized for developer engagement?
  • Are there interactive elements to help in learning?
  • What feedback mechanisms are in place for improving documentation?
  • How often will documentation updates occur?
Go-to-Market Documentation
Documentation is a critical aspect of the go-to-market (GTM) strategy, pivoting in change management, reducing support burden, and enhancing product discoverability through semantic search.


Develop and track key performance indicators that align with the product’s objectives to assess its success and user adoption.

  • What KPIs are crucial for measuring success specific to this tool?
  • What benchmarks are set for these KPIs?
  • How will data on these KPIs be collected and analyzed?
  • What tools are used to monitor these metrics?
  • How often will performance reviews take place?
Go-to-Market Metrics
Unlock your product’s full potential with targeted KPIs! Track user engagement, set clear benchmarks, and continuously refine based on real-world data to drive success and boost user satisfaction.

Integration with Existing Workflows

Ensure that the new tools integrate seamlessly with existing technologies and workflows to enhance productivity without disrupting ongoing operations.

  • How will these tools integrate with current systems?
  • What potential integration challenges might arise?
  • What feedback have we received about current integrations?
  • How will updates be managed to minimize workflow disruption?
  • What support is available for integration issues?

Customer Adoption Experience

Assess and address the effort needed for customers to transition to or adopt your product. This analysis should inform the development of tools and automation that simplify the adoption process and minimize customer costs, ultimately enhancing the user experience and maximizing product ROI.

  • What are the anticipated challenges for customers adopting this product?
  • What tools or processes can be developed to simplify the adoption experience?
  • How can we minimize the cost and effort required for customers to migrate to or adopt our product?
  • What measures will be implemented to enhance the overall customer experience?
  • How will we measure and optimize the ROI for customers using this product?
Go-to-Market Customer Experience
Transform your internal tool deployment with our expert guide on enhancing customer experience. Learn to streamline adoption, reduce costs, and boost satisfaction effectively.

Stakeholder Engagement

Maintain open communication with all stakeholders, gathering their feedback to refine the product and the overall GTM strategy.

  • Who are the key stakeholders for this product?
  • How will we keep stakeholders engaged throughout the process?
  • What methods will we use to collect and act on stakeholder feedback?
  • What are the stakeholders’ main concerns or suggestions?
  • How will stakeholder input influence product development?
Go-to-Market Stakeholders
Maximize stakeholder buy-in with our step-by-step guide on engaging key players in your internal tool rollout.

Communication and Marketing

Communicate the availability and benefits of the new tools internally to ensure widespread awareness and adoption.

Go-to-Market Communication & Marketing
Learn how to effectively engage stakeholders, streamline communication, and ensure smooth adoption across your organization.
  • What channels will we use to communicate about the new tools?
  • What are the key messages we need to convey?
  • How will we engage potential internal users?
  • What feedback have we received from initial communications?
  • How will we measure the effectiveness of our communication strategy?


Develop and provide extensive training and support to ensure users can effectively utilize the new tools.

  • What training materials and formats will be most effective?
  • Who will be responsible for delivering training?
  • How will ongoing support be structured?
  • What mechanisms are in place for feedback on training?
  • How will training materials be updated based on user input?
Go-to-Market User Training
Choosing the right training materials and formats is crucial to ensure that all users are comfortable and proficient with the new tools. To effectively scale your Developer Education(DevEd) team. you should offer several tiers of service, with the premium service only being offered to a select few high-impact projects.
Go-to-Market Key Training Questions
Discover how to effectively adopt new software tools with our guide. Learn best practices for go-to-market strategies and behavioral changes, boosting efficiency and team collaboration.
Go-to-Market Example Documentation and Training Request Form
Tailored for DevEd’s assessment, this example form captures everything from product details to training needs, ensuring your team receives precise support and resources to thrive
Workshop Checklist
This guide offers a comprehensive approach to modern best practices in teaching and learning, specifically tailored for corporate developer education. It provides Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with essential considerations to deliver exceptional training sessions. Built upon the traditional “ADDIE” instructional design model, the guide comprises a series of checklists for


For early product success, devising a clear support strategy is essential.

What is Developer Support?
Centralized Engineering Support Transition Request Form
Streamline your product support process with our comprehensive form. It gathers all crucial information, enabling the engineering support team to efficiently assess the support effort required for your product.
Best Practices for Effective End-User Support
Discover effective strategies for setting up support channels, creating dynamic documentation, and engaging with users to enhance your internal tools.
Support Checklist

Rollout Strategy

Plan a phased introduction of the product to manage adoption smoothly across different teams and projects.

  • What phases will the rollout include?
  • Who are the early adopters?
  • What criteria determine the progression between phases?
  • What feedback mechanisms are in place during the rollout?
  • How will the success of each phase be measured?

Contingency Planning

Prepare for potential risks and ensure that strategies are in place to address any issues that might arise during the rollout.

  • What are the identified risks associated with the rollout?
  • What mitigation strategies are in place?
  • Who is responsible for managing these risks?
  • How will we communicate about and address any arising issues?
  • What are the criteria for activating contingency plans?

Launch Readiness and Continual Evaluation

Confirm that all components are ready for launch and set up a system for ongoing evaluation and improvement based on user feedback and performance metrics.

  • Are all elements of the tool fully functional and tested?
  • How will we gather and analyze user feedback post-launch?
  • What mechanisms are in place for continuous improvement?
  • How often will the product be evaluated for updates or enhancements?
  • How transparent will the evaluation results be shared with the team?

Continual Evaluation and Improvement

Confirm that all components are ready for launch and set up a system for ongoing evaluation and improvement based on user feedback and performance metrics.

  • Are all elements of the tool fully functional and tested?
  • How will we gather and analyze user feedback post-launch?
  • What mechanisms are in place for continuous improvement?
  • How often will the product be evaluated for updates or enhancements?
  • How transparent will the evaluation results be shared with the team?

Post-Launch Retrospective

Review the overall success of the launch and the GTM process to refine strategies for future launches.

  • What were the successes and challenges of the GTM process?
  • What have we learned from this launch?
  • How can these insights improve future GTM strategies?
  • What feedback did users provide about the overall process?
  • How will we implement changes based on the retrospective findings?

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